Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Organizational Management and Leadership(OML)

Organizational Management and Leadership

General Education Competencies Core and Electives requirements for entry into the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management and Leadership

OML Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management and Leadership, the individual student should possess the following knowledge, skills, and abilities:

  1. Critique the application of management/leadership theories across diverse organizational contexts and environments.
  2. Examine organizational issues through application of analytical principles and scholarly/professional literature.
  3. Evaluate organizational issues through analysis of legal, ethical, and moral dimensions.
  4. Develop adaptive strategies to promote problem solving, positive change, and innovation within organizations.
  5. Develop Individual awareness and professional communication skills that influence outcomes.
  6. Develop awareness of global and multicultural issues in relation to organizational management and leadership.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to articulate positions and communicate findings through composition of APA Style scholarly/professional writings.

*PSL Pre-fixed courses require an in-person residency and approval of the Director of the Reinhardt University Public Safety Institute.

*While enrolled in OML courses, students cannot take additional courses during the first semester, and only with approval of the Program Coordinator and/or Dean in subsequent semesters.

Free Electives

Free electives may be satisfied through the following means:

  • Reinhardt University’s transfer credit policies;
  • Reinhardt University’s experiential learning credit policies;
  • Prior military schooling through evaluation of a Joint Services Transcript by the Office of the Registrar;
  • Reinhardt University’s technical/professional training credit policies.
Sub-Total Credits

General Education Electives

From any of the General Education Categories

(Recommend BUS 205 or BUS 206)

Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits