Name Mr. Adetunji A. Adesesan Title Title Assistant Professor Department Department Academic Support Office
Name Suzanne Alstrin-Gadbois Title Title Director of Public Relations Department Department Marketing And Communication
Name Dr. Theresa L. Ast Title Title Professor Department Department College of Humanities, Sciences, and Technology
Name Alison Attavar Title Title Admininistrative Assistant PSOE Department Department Price School Of Education
Name Dr. Chester Barner Title Title Visiting Assistant Professor Department Department Price School Of Education
Name Dr. John Barrows Title Title Assistant Professor Department Department College of Humanities, Sciences, and Technology
Name Lendsey Bishop Title Title Support Services Coordinator Department Department Purchasing And Support Services
Name William Bishop Title Title Director, Funk Heritage Center Department Department Funk Heritage Center
Name Mr. Jeffrey K. Black Title Title Assistant Professor Department Department McCamish School of Business & Professions
Name Caden Blalock Title Title Assistant Softball Coach Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Dylan Bohling Title Title Assistant Men's Basketball Coach Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Kathy Bowles Title Title VP, Advancement & Communications Department Department External Affairs
Name Austin Brennan Title Title Head Cross Country Track Coach Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Mr. Peter J. Bromstad Title Title Instructor Department Department McCamish School of Business & Professions
Name Morgan Brooks Title Title Technical & Operations Manager Department Department Black Box Theatre
Name Dr. Cheryl L. Brown Title Title Professor Department Department College of Humanities, Sciences, and Technology
Name Ms. Lauren Bulger Title Title Assistant Professor Department Department Cauble School of Nursing & Health Sciences
Name Jonathan Burton Title Title Interim Athletic Director/Head Baseball Coach Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Mandy Cagle Title Title Admininistrative Assistant to the VP for Athletics & AD Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Dr. E. Diane Cagle Title Title Assistant Professor Department Department McCamish School of Business & Professions
Name Ms. Ashley Calicchia Title Title Visiting Assistant Professor Department Department School of The Arts
Name Antonio Campbell Title Title Head Women's Basketball Coach Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Dr. Lynda G. Chisholm Title Title Assistant Professor Department Department Price School Of Education
Name Mr. Benjamin Cohen Title Title Lecturer Department Department McCamish School of Business & Professions
Name Tessa Corrales Title Title Head Volleyball Coach Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Dr. Amy P. Cottrill Title Title Professor Department Department College of Humanities, Sciences, and Technology
Name Sharon Craddock Title Title Admininistrative Assistant to the Deans Department Department School Of Performing Arts
Name Summer Cramer Title Title Assistant Womens Basketball Coach Department Department Intercollegiate Athletics
Name Ms. Kimberly S. Crowe Title Title Assistant Professor Department Department Price School Of Education
Name Dr. Anthony D. Daniel Title Title Professor Department Department McCamish School of Business & Professions
Name Allison Dorman Title Title Executive Admininistrative Assistant Advancement, Marketing, Communications Department Department External Affairs
Name James Duncan Title Title Director Public Safety/Chief of Police Department Department Public Safety