Art and Design


The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art seeks to produce graduates who have the ability to think critically about their work and to speak and write clearly about the relationship between the formal and conceptual aspects of visual communication. The faculty in the art program seek, through courses in art history and studio work, to enhance the student’s appreciation of works of art and to develop skills in a variety of media. Studio courses stress concentration and self-discipline leading to eventual self- expression. At the same time, these courses provide an in-depth understanding of art and its traditional and contemporary principles and theories.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design seeks to prepare students for the expanding career fields in Digital Media. The program objectives include producing graduates who have a broad and in-depth understanding of current digital tools and who also grasp the foundational and conceptual aspects of art and design. Studio courses will encourage the students in creative problem solving and production of both personal and commercial artwork. Majors will expand their technical base in web design, print media, and image sequencing while maintaining an emphasis on cross-discipline work.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students in the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) program will:

  1. Develop skills necessary to write and verbalize their understanding of the conceptual and formal aspects of visual art.
  2. Develop a wide variety of skills in a diverse variety of media.
  3. Develop an understanding and deeper appreciation of the history of Western and non- Western art.
  4. Develop the ability to think critically about their artwork and the artwork of others.
  5. Develop self-discipline and self-expression in capstone courses and will create a professional portfolio for submission to graduate programs or employment opportunities.

Special Features and Activities

  • Guest artist speakers and demonstrations.
  • Student art exhibits.
  • Juried art exhibits.
  • Field trips to local art museums and exhibitions.
  • Foreign travel to countries such as Italy, France, and Greece.
  • Kappa Pi Honor Society.

Degrees and Certificates