Purpose of Academic Advising

Academic advising at Reinhardt University is an intentional and respectful relationship between each student and a faculty advisor. Advisors mentor students as they formulate meaningful and workable academic pathways to graduation and develop the confidence to meet 21st century challenges and opportunities while they explore their strengths, interests, and aspirations. Academic advising encourages students to think critically, solve problems, act independently, and embrace lifelong learning.

Indications of effective advising include:

Faculty advisors who:

  1. Schedule and hold regular and timely advising meetings that address multiple areas of a student’s academic experience. 
  2. Guide students through appropriate course selection to meet degree requirements. 
  3. Encourage students to connect with available resources as needed. 
  4. Serve as a sounding board as students explore and consider career and graduate study options. 
  5. Remain knowledgeable and aware of curricular policies and avail themselves of advising resources provided by the University

Students who:

  1. Meet regularly with their faculty advisors to develop an ongoing relationship. 
  2. Familiarize themselves with academic catalog policies and degree requirements. 
  3. Take responsibility for working with their faculty advisors to develop an academic pathway and to select/register for appropriate courses each semester.
  4. Seek out available resources recommended by their faculty advisors. 
  5. Engage their faculty advisors as they explore and consider options for career or graduate study.

A University that:

  1. Values and promotes the faculty-student advising relationship. 
  2. Provides adequate training, tools and resources for effective advising. 
  3. Continually monitors and assesses the advising process to ensure that the University’s mission is fulfilled.