Petitions and Academic Appeals

Faculty Grievance

A student with a grievance against a faculty member must meet with the instructor involved. If the grievance remains unresolved, the student must discuss the concern with the appropriate School Dean. Failing resolution at that level, the student may seek satisfaction from the Vice President of Academic Affairs of the University.

Grade Grievance

A student may appeal for a grade change within 30 days of the posting of grades. An appeal form is available in the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Enrollment-Related Appeals

The Appeals Committee reviews concerns regarding matriculation and enrollment issues that are not outlined above or those related to degree completion. For example, the Appeals Committee reviews requests regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid purposes, withdrawal from the University subject to academic and/or financial penalty, or drop/add of course work after the deadline to do so. Students wishing to appeal are directed to submit a letter to the Registrar including the following details:

  • Name and mailing address. 
  • What matter is being appealed – i.e. withdrawal, etc. 
  • Why matter is being appealed. 
  • Requested outcome – i.e. tuition reduction, return of fees, etc.

The letter should be accompanied by supporting documentation that may include medical records, letters of support from other University personnel, etc.

Non-Academic Grievance

Information regarding procedures for a nonacademic grievance is available on the University website.