Grading Policies

Grades and Notations

Levels of performance are indicated by the following grades, which are used, except as noted, in computing the semester and cumulative grade-point average (GPA). Grades are recorded on each student’s permanent record:

GradeMeaningGrade points per semester credit
(minimum required grade points per semester credit for certain courses, as specified elsewhere in the catalog)
(while giving credit hours, grade points per semester credit does not apply toward the degree in courses requiring a C or better)
NPNot passing None
(Given only in the case that a deficiency exists in a relatively small portion of the course, an incomplete means that a student was performing satisfactorily but for nonacademic reasons beyond his or her control was unable to meet full course requirements. The required work must be completed by the end of the following semester, otherwise the instructor will submit a change of grade form authorizing finalizing the Incomplete grade as an F.) 
WWithdrew without penalty. None
NRNot reported - no effect on grade points: an administrative notation in the absence of a grade.  

Calculating Grade-Point Averages

The cumulative Reinhardt grade-point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned in academic courses at Reinhardt University by the total number of academic credits attempted at Reinhardt University for example:

Quality Points divided by Credit Hours = GPA

ClassCreditsGradeQuality Points 
ENG 101 3A12
CHE 1804C8
SPA 1013B9
PED 1002A8
TOTAL12 37

37 Quality Points divided by 12 Credit Hours = 3.08 GPA

Mid-term Grading Policy

At the mid-point of each academic term, a midterm grade for each student will be assigned by the instructor. An A-F grading system will be used. Mid-term grades must be submitted by the deadlines indicated on the Academic Calendar. Students can access their midterm grades through EagleWeb after grades are posted, and academic advisors will discuss mid-term grades with their advisees prior to or during advisement meetings.

Repeating Courses

Reinhardt University allows students to repeat courses. The higher grade earned stands as the official grade. Only the higher grade will be calculated in the GPA, although all attempts will be listed on the transcript. Repeated courses will be denoted by * and R, indicating the lower grade and higher grade, respectively, following the grade. If a student fails a course at Reinhardt, he or she may not repeat the course at another institution for credit.

Repeated courses will be regulated as follows:

  1. Students are allowed to repeat a course a total of two times. 
  2. Any student who wishes to repeat a course a second time must meet with the Academic Advisor in order to determine if the student is adequately prepared from a historical standpoint to be successful in the course or if there are other conditions for which the student is responsible. A written form discussing the outcome of this interview will be signed by the Advisor and the student and placed in the student’s permanent file. 
  3. Courses that are not being repeated for the purpose of securing a passing grade (a D in the case of a general education requirement, or a C in the case of a major- or minor-required course) are not eligible for financial aid.