Class Attendance

Regular attendance at scheduled classes, laboratories, and exams is each student’s obligation. A student must account to the instructor for absences and make up all work missed.

Excused Absences

Excuses for illness may be secured from student health services only if a student has been checked by the nurse or is under the care of a physician.

Absences due to participation in officially sponsored University student activities or field trips are excused. It is the responsibility of the student to have the excuse approved before the absence and to complete all assignments. Faculty members who are planning field trips must have these trips certified in advance by the Vice President of Academic Affairs of the University.

Emergency absences are excused only under extraordinary circumstances (i.e., death or critical illness in a student’s immediate family). Such absences are excused at the discretion of the instructor and only if the student makes her or his situation known immediately upon returning to class. Complications arising from transportation problems, ordinary business, or legal transactions are not considered emergencies.