Title VI
Reinhardt University subscribes to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which states: “No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
Title IX
Reinhardt University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs, activities or employment practices as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to Ms. Kristy DeBord, Human Resources Manager and Title IX Coordinator (kristy.debord@reinhardt.edu / ph. 770-720-9146). Students may also contact Public Safety or any “Responsible Employee” or “Campus Security Authorities,” all of whom must report complaints to Public Safety and the Title IX Coordinator.
Student complaints may be also be directed to the following addresses: the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 02212; and GA Non-Public Postsecondary Education Commission, 2082 East Exchange Place – Suite 220, Tucker, Georgia 30084-5305 (ph. 770 414-3300).
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Reinhardt University complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. No qualified applicant, student, or employee will be discriminated against on the basis of a disability.
Not all facilities are equipped for handicapped access. Class locations will be changed to provide access for handicapped students.
All sidewalks are handicapped accessible. Special parking is provided at all buildings and handicapped students can receive special permits.
All newer construction provides handicapped access. All remodeling and future construction will provide access for the handicapped.
Reinhardt offers educational support services for students with diagnosed learning disabilities.
Access to Student Information
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Under provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, students have the right of access to official records maintained on them by Reinhardt University. A student may inspect and review his or her educational records by filing a written request with the Registrar. Although access may be normally obtained without undue delay, officials are permitted a 45-day period within which to respond to any request.
Directory Information
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, also provides that the following categories of information may be released by the University as public unless the student chooses to have the information withheld. Such information may be released routinely to certain inquirers and the news media unless the student requests in writing the fall semester of each year that either all or any part of this list be withheld.
- Name
- Address, including
- home
- residence hall and room number
- local off-campus address
- Current telephone listing
- Place of birth
- Major field of study
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Weight and height, if a member of an athletic team
- Dates of attendance, including current classification and year, matriculation and withdrawal dates
- Degrees, awards and honors received, including dates granted
- The most recent previous educational agency or institution attended
Release of Information
Without the student’s written consent, Reinhardt University does not release confidential information to anyone other than:
- Reinhardt University personnel requiring information for the proper performance of their duties;
- organizations conducting studies for educational and governmental agencies; accrediting agencies;
- appropriate persons in case of health or safety emergencies;
- agencies or offices in connection with the student’s application for or receipt of financial aid; governmental officials, as identified in Public Law 93-380;
- parents of dependent children as defined in the Internal Revenue code of 1954;
- and an appropriate official in response to a court order.
Students who wish to release to family members routine grade reports or other official correspondence must complete a signed authorization form with the Office of the Registrar.