Credits 6
School Division
School of the Arts

The student will complete and present the thesis exhibition/performance with appropriate docu-mentation, as well as an assessment portfolio. All materials must demonstrate mastery of conception, intention and production. An oral defense of the thesis exhibition/performance is required.

All MFA candidates must create an original 20-minute dance work or performance event that is based on a unique research project. Students work closely with their thesis advisor and committee members to create work that showcases synthesis of skills, mastery of craft and a deeply informed personal aesthetic. Students will develop a draft thesis proposal during their third and fourth semesters.

The thesis project is accompanied by written documentation (approximately 20-30 pages) that provides the critical and methodological context for the work. Because every project is different, the specific requirements for the project will be determined in consultation with the major advisor/chair and other members of the graduate faculty. Students are responsible for all logistics related to production, including venue, production rights, and other potential practicalities for production.