Reinhardt University Return to Title IV Funds Policy

Financial aid is awarded with the expectation that the student will successfully complete the courses and remain in attendance through the end of the semester that the aid is awarded for. If a recipient of federal aid (Title IV funding) withdraws or stops attending during a semester, the institution must use the federal Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation to determine the amount of federal aid the student did not earn. Unearned federal funds must be returned to the federal programs. The Return of Title IV Funds policy applies through 60% of enrollment period. The Title IV funds earned is calculated by the number of calendar days completed, divided by the number of calendar days in a period. The result is the percentage completed (earned). Title IV funds will be returned in the following order: 

• Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan. 

• Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan.

• Federal PLUS Loan.

• Federal Pell.


• Other Title IV. 

Students who are considering withdrawal are strongly encouraged to speak with the Office of Student Financial Aid first to determine the impact the withdrawal will have on their financial assistance. If the FAO is required to return any portion of federal funding, the student would then owe that amount to the university.