The Quantitative Science concentration is designed for students willing to pursue a career and/or an M.S. or Ph.D. degree in any quantitative science field. With this concentration, a student earns a B.S. degree in Mathematics while exploring various scientific avenues and developing skills useful for biology, biotechnology, chemistry, geology, engineering, mathematics, medical technology, meteorology, and physics, to name a few.
Major Required Courses
Mathematics Core Courses
Mathematics Courses for Quantitative Sciences
Associated Field Required Courses
Select one cycle with labs.
And choose from one of these three minors:
Complete the Biology Minor (12-16) and one course with lab numbered CHE 121 or above, or GEO 125 or above (4)or the Accounting Minor (18) or the Chemistry Minor (19-20)
PCS 230 required course for Eagle-Owl Program
General Electives
For students accepted into the Eagle-OWL dual degree program - Nine hours of graduate courses2 can be taken toward general elective credit made up of the following:
MTRE 6100 Advanced Robot Programming (offered fall and spring)
And two of the following:
MTRE 6200 Modeling and Control of Robotic Manipulators (summer)
MTRE 6740 Soft Robotics (fall)
MTRE 6750 Ethics in Robotics (spring)