Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Interdisciplinary Studies - Humanities Track

First Discipline

Select six (6) 300- or 400-level courses in English, History, Religion, Political Science, Sociology, or Communication.

Sub-Total Credits

Second Discipline

Select three (3) 300- or 400-level courses in a second discipline: Art/Art History, Communication, English, History, Political Science, Religion, or Sociology.

Sub-Total Credits

Third Discipline

Select three (3) 300- or 400-level courses in a third discipline: Art/Art History, Communication, English, History, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, or three more courses from you primary or secondary discipline.

Sub-Total Credits

General Electives

Select any eight (8) courses in the catalog

Sub-Total Credits

Note: It is recommended that majors entering job market after graduation take IDS 490 Internship.
Note: It is recommended that majors going to Graduate School take IDS 450 Senior Thesis/Capstone.
Note: The program requires 48 credit hours at the 300- or 400-level.

General Education Curriculum

Total Credits