Drop/Add Policy

Once registration is complete, the Office of the Registrar handles deletions or additions to a student’s class schedule during the drop/add period. A student requesting a scheduling change after registration must complete a drop/add form.

Students may not add classes after the published drop/add period. Each term’s deadline is printed in the Academic Calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to check the Academic Calendar for deadlines that apply to the drop/add period and withdrawal from classes.

Any student who is receiving financial aid and wishes to withdraw from a class after the end of the drop/add period must first consult the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Drop/Add Procedures

  1. The drop/add period is listed in the Academic Calendar. A student may drop a course and add another during the drop/add period. No course may be added beyond this time. A student may not add an online course with a “P” section number designation beyond the second calendar day of a course start. 
  2. During the drop/add period, a student may add or drop courses by completing a drop/add form in the Office of the Registrar, or by online registration. 
  3. After the drop/add period, a student may withdraw from a course up to the academic withdrawal date of the respective course, as designated on the Academic Calendar, by completing a drop/add form and submitting it to the Registrar’s Office. Tuition will be charged for course withdrawals after the drop/add period. A student who wishes to withdraw from a class must obtain the signature of the instructor of the course on the drop/add form. Students withdrawing after the drop/add period and prior to the academic withdrawal date of the term will receive a W. After the academic withdrawal date, students who initiate a withdrawal receive an F for the class. Students who do not follow this procedure will receive an F. 
  4. Any student who is unable to continue attendance in class should either drop the course, withdraw from the University, or make appropriate arrangements with the instructor to take an Incomplete in the course. 
  5. Instructors have the authority to drop students who do not contact them or attend the first week of class meetings. Instructors do not, however, automatically drop students who miss these classes. In all cases, students who do not intend to remain in a course must drop the course before the end of the official drop/add period.
  6. Instructors may dismiss a student from a class when absences or other classroom behavior is detrimental to the student’s academic standing or to the success of the class as a whole. The same grading procedure and time-line apply to instructor-initiated dismissals as to studentinitiated withdrawals.