Creative Writing


The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing develops skills in creative writing through the study of literature and the practice of writing a variety of genres. The student who majors in creative writing at Reinhardt University is prepared to embark on a career as a professional creative writer or to enter a field such as education, publishing, advertising, or journalism, or to pursue further education in graduate or professional studies. The creative writing program at Reinhardt requires an internship where majors will work with a literary journal or other media outlets to gain valuable experience to enhance their ability to find jobs after graduation. Student Learning Outcomes for Creative Writing Students who complete the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) in Creative Writing will be able to: 1. Use a variety of rhetorical and literary techniques to enhance the reader's experience of a written work. 2. Engage in the writing process—plan, draft, revise, edit, and polish—in order to create a piece of writing ready for publication. 3. Analyze literature and other writers' works in order to understand how genre, structure, use of language, imagery, voice, point of view, and other techniques effectively or ineffectively engage a reader. 4. Write constructive, editorial commentary on the works of fellow students. 5. Read and categorize contemporary writing and one's own creative works within the context of traditional and experimental literary movements.

Student Learning Outcomes for Creative Writing

Students who complete the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) in Creative Writing will be able to:

  1. Use a variety of rhetorical and literary techniques to enhance the reader's experience of a written work.
  2. Engage in the writing process—plan, draft, revise, edit, and polish—in order to create a piece of writing ready for publication.
  3. Analyze literature and other writers' works in order to understand how genre, structure, use of language, imagery, voice, point of view, and other techniques effectively or ineffectively engage a reader.
  4. Write constructive, editorial commentary on the works of fellow students.
  5. Read and categorize contemporary writing and one's own creative works within the context of traditional and experimental literary movements.

Special Features and Activities

English students are offered the opportunity to do the following:

  • Join the English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta.
  • Assist with tutoring in the Center for Student Success.
  • Contribute articles and selections to the Reinhardt writer’s publication, Sanctuary.
  • Attend local dramatic productions.
  • Hear and discuss issues with respected and well-known local and national authors and academics.
  • Present their creative writing at the Robert L.
  • Driscoll Convocation of Artists and Scholars.

Degrees and Certificates