Grade Appeal
Students can expect Reinhardt University faculty members to be proficient in their subject fields and professional in assessment of student work.
However, a student may appeal for a grade change of the final grade received in a course within 30 days of the posting of the grades. The appeal must be based on evidence that the faculty member has violated his/her stated grading policy, or that the grade was a result of discrimination or personal bias.
The student shall begin by discussing the disputed grade with the faculty member of the course to insure that the student understands the basis for the grade. If a resolution is not found, the student may appeal the grade to the Program Coordinator/Director and School Dean. The student must submit a written letter of appeal to the School Dean. The letter will describe the basis for the appeal along with any relevant information or evidence. The Dean will give a copy to the Program Coordinator/Director and the faculty member. The Dean will ask the faculty member to submit a written response to the appeal and may also seek additional information from Reinhardt University administrators, especially if the case involves an allegation of discrimination.
The School Dean’s decision shall be made in writing to the student, with copies sent to the faculty member and the Program Coordinator/Director.
If the student is not satisfied with the School Dean’s decision, he or she may make an appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. An appeal form is available in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
A copy of the appeal proceedings will be kept by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Enrollment Related Appeals
Reinhardt University maintains an Appeals Committee that reviews concerns about enrollment issues, withdrawal, and degree completion. The Appeals Committee includes members from the offices of Records, Financial Aid, and Business who can look at a case from all appropriate angles. Cases might involve dropping a course after the drop/add deadline because of a medical emergency that prevented the student from meeting the deadline or withdrawing from the University after receiving financial aid.
A student with an enrollment related appeal must submit a letter to the Registrar of Reinhardt University, with the following information:
- Name and mailing address
- What matter is being appealed - i.e. withdrawal, etc.
- Why matter is being appealed
- Requested outcome - i.e. tuition reduction, return of fees, etc.
The letter should be accompanied by supporting documentation that may include medical records, letters of support from other University personnel, etc.
Non-grade grievance
As stated in the policy statements under “General Information,” Reinhardt University subscribes to the principles of Title VI - The 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act.
A student with a grievance against a faculty member should report the grievance to the Program Coordinator/Director, the School Dean and the Associate Dean for Academic Services and Graduate Studies. The appropriate response will depend on the nature of the grievance.