Academic Performance

Academic Warning

A student who fails to meet the cumulative grade-point averages designated below will be placed on Academic Warning for the following semester:

Semester Credits AttemptedCumulative Grade-Point Average
0-30 1.8
60+ 2.0

Students are removed from Academic Warning by attaining the required cumulative grade-point averages in the following semester. Failure to meet this requirement will result in Academic Probation.

Academic Probation

A student on Academic Warning who does not attain the required cumulative grade-point average by the end of the following semester is placed on Academic Probation. If at the end of the probationary semester the student still has not attained the required cumulative GPA, he or she will be suspended.

A student may remain on Academic Probation for one additional semester with the written permission of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, provided his or her GPA shows definite improvement by the end of the first probationary semester.

A student on Academic Probation is expected to focus on improving his or her GPA. Therefore, the student must adhere to the following requirements or he or she will be barred from university activities outside of his or her degree requirements, including athletics.

Plan for Academic Student Success (PASS)

Requirements for Students on Academic Probation:

  1. The student is required to enroll in RHU 100 for the next semester of attendance. Failure to register for this course may result in immediate Academic Suspension. This addition may entail adjusting the student’s schedule; the student should seek guidance from his or her academic advisor.\
  2. The student is required to have his or her course schedules reviewed and approved with his or her advisor before the end of the drop/add period for the semester. In addition, the advisor will be responsible for monitoring the midterm progress of the student, based on the midterm evaluation process.
  3. The student is required to meet with a staff member in the Academic Support Office at the beginning of the semester to create an individual academic success plan. The Academic Support Office will assign an Academic Success Coach (ASC) who will work with the student on tools that will allow him or her to stay on track with the academic success plan. Copies of the Plan for Academic Student Success Form will be provided to the student’s assigned ASC, the academic advisor, and the Athletic Director, if he or she participates in student athletics.
  4. The student is required to meet with his or her ASC throughout the semester on a weekly basis to monitor the student’s progress and to learn tools that will enhance his or her academic success. The ASC is responsible for communicating the results of these meetings to the Academic Support Office on a weekly basis. The Academic Support Office will maintain a file monitoring the student’s progress until he or she acquires satisfactory academic standing. If the student fails to meet for the required coaching sessions more than twice, he or she will then be referred to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  5. The Director of Athletics will provide the student’s Plan for Academic Student Success to the student’s athletic coach. Due to the potential effects on athletic eligibility, students that participate in athletics are required to meet with the athletic coach of the sport in which he or she participates to discuss his or her academic standing and review his or her Plan for Academic Student Success.

Academic Suspension

A student may be academically suspended for failing to meet the requirements listed under Academic Probation, for receiving all Fs in academic courses during a single semester, or for failing to make reasonable progress toward graduation.

A student who has been suspended for scholastic deficiencies may apply for readmission after an absence of one semester (excluding Summer Semester for traditional students) or, may file an immediate appeal to be reinstated for one additional semester.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews the appeals for immediate reinstatement. A letter of explanation from the student must accompany the appeal. Each appeal is evaluated considering institutional purpose and the wellbeing of the student involved

A student readmitted after academic suspension will be placed on academic probation, thereby subject to the requirements of academic probation. The student is required to meet all the obligations for academic probation, in addition to any other conditions that may also be imposed at the time of readmission.

A student who has been academically suspended and who has not attended Reinhardt for one or more semesters (excluding the summer semester for traditional students), must reapply for admission to the university through the admissions process. In addition to the readmission application, a letter of explanation from the student is required. Additional information or documentation may be requested to accompany the letter. For students who were not academically suspended during the most recent past semester, the readmission review and decision will be made by the VP for Enrollment Management, the Registrar, and the Director of Admissions.

Academic Dismissal

A student reinstated after Academic Suspension who fails to meet the requirements imposed at the time of readmission will be permanently dismissed from Reinhardt University, and will be ineligible to apply for readmission.